Защита персональных данных
Информация об обработке персональных данныхУважаемые гости,
Итальянский закон (декрет №196 от 30 июня 2003 года "Кодекс о защите персональных данных") предусматривает защиту лиц и других субъектов в отношении обработки персональных данных. В соответствии с вышеуказанным законом, все Ваши личные данные будут обрабатываться на основе принципов честности и законности для обеспечения конфиденциальности Ваших прав.
В соответствии со статьей 13 закона № 196/2003, мы предоставляем следующую информацию:
1. Предоставленные Вами данные будут использоваться с целью проведения услуги бронирования вилл на нашем сайте, а также для обратной связи с Вами.
2. Данные будут обработаны в электронной базе данных.
3. Предоставление Ваших данных обязательно. При их отсутствии, будет невозможно сделать запрос на бронирование виллы либо продление контракта.
В любом случае вы можете выбрать, следует ли получать сообщения информативного и/или коммерческого характера (например, новости), нажав на соответствующее поле в регистрационной форме. Этот выбор может быть изменен в любой момент после регистрации, в соответствующем разделе сайта, зарезервированном для пользователей.
4. Данные будут использоваться исключительно для оформления Договора аренды или продажи. Никакое другое использование Ваших данных, за пределами этой области, не предусматривается.
5. Держатель и ответственный за сохранность всех данных:
Клаудио Сальвини
Агентство недвижимости FortedeiMarmiVillas
Улица Версилия, 133
индекс 55042
Форте деи Марми (Лукка)
6. Для получения любой другой информации, касающейся ваших конфиденциальных данных, пожалуйста, отправьте нам письмо на e-mail: info@fortedeimarmivillas.com
7. В любой момент Вы можете воспользоваться своими правами по отношению к держателю данных, в соответствии со статьей № 7 закона 196/2003.
Статья №7 “Права доступа к личным данным и другие права”
• 1. Заинтересованное лицо имеет право на получение подтверждения существования или отсутствия личных данных, даже если они еще, возможно, не были зарегистрированы.
• 2. Заинтересованное лицо имеет право на получение такой информации как:
а) происхождение личных данных;
б) конечная цель использования и способа использования личных данных;
в) методы обработки данных в случае использования электронных инструментов;
г) личность владельца, менеджера и представителя, назначенного в соответствии со статьей 5, пункт 2;
д) субъекты или категории лиц, которым могут быть переданы данные.
• 3. Заинтересованное лицо имеет право на:
а) обновление, исправление или, если интересует, интеграцию данных;
б) удаление, преобразование в анонимную форму или блокировку данных, запрещенных законом, данных которые были собраны ранее и подлежат дальнейшей обработке;
в) подтверждение информации описанной в пунктах а) и б) а также в уведомлении относительно их содержания и лиц которым эти данные были сообщены и переданы.
• 4. Заинтересованное лицо может отказаться, от всего или в частности:
а) по законным причинам обработки персональных данных, присущим цели сбора информации;
б) от использования персональных данных для целей рассылки рекламных материалов или прямых продаж, а также для проведения исследований рынка или коммерческих коммуникаций.
We also add the new measures in force for the COVID - 19 emergency:
Dear Customer,
We wish to inform you that the EU Regulation 2016/679 ("Information on the processing of personal data") provides for the protection of people and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.
According to the legislation indicated, this treatment will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.
Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 and the prevention of contagion from Covid-19, and therefore related to this period of health emergency, so that you are made aware of the treatment, and can give, where necessary, a specific, unequivocal consent, informed, free and aware of the Processing itself which may also take place with IT and / or telematic tools, therefore, we provide you with the following information:
1) Data source.
The data necessary for the performance of the contractual relationship between the Parties, in particular for carrying out the mediation contract, are collected by the Agency directly from you, in the context of the obligation provided for by the current provisions concerning the measures for containment and management of the epidemiological emergency contained in particular in the shared protocol regulating measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace signed between the government and the social partners on March 14, 2020.
2) Availability of the information.
The Agency provides you with the opportunity to consult this information whenever you deem it appropriate and / or make an explicit request to the Data Controller.
3) Purpose of data processing.
For its institutional purposes, connected or instrumental to the activity, the Agency processes your data for the purpose of preventing contagion from COVID - 19 in order to allow its access to the owner's premises and ensure the possibility of carrying out the service. contractual in compliance with applicable governmental and legislative provisions.
4) Nature of the provision of data.
You have the right to know that the provision of data can be mandatory or optional, as well as have consequences in the event of a refusal. In this regard, we specify that the granting of your consent for the purposes referred to in point 3, including the possible detection of body temperature at the entrance of the owner's premises, is mandatory as it is provided for by the regulations for the implementation of the protocols of anti-contagion security pursuant to art. art. 1, no. 7, lett. d) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020 and subsequent provisions. The refusal of your consent for these purposes will therefore not allow the Owner to allow you access to the premises of the same. The Agency specifies that your Data will be processed in compliance with the "minimization" principle (art. 5, par.1, letter c of the EU Regulation), in compliance with the indications provided by the Office of the Privacy Guarantor with the FAQ published on 4.5.2020.
5) Particular data.
Article. 9 of the Regulation defines particular, among others, the data relating to health. Since the Data collected for the purposes referred to in point 3) falls into this category, the Agency will be able to use it only to the extent necessary to be able to perform the operations specified above.
6) Data retention.
The Data will be kept for the time necessary to manage the health emergency period, i.e. until the end of this period. The data are always treated in full compliance with the principle of proportionality of the treatment (art.5, paragraph 1, letter c) of the EU Regulation), according to which all personal data and the various methods of their treatment must be relevant and not exceeding the purposes pursued, in order to guarantee adequate security and confidentiality, also to prevent unauthorized access or use of personal data and equipment used for processing, as well as lawful and correct treatment.
7) Data retention times.
By virtue of the provisions of art. 13, paragraph 2, lett. a) of the Regulation, and in the face of the foregoing, the Data will be stored until the end of the state of emergency, after which it will automatically be destroyed.
8) Data processing methods.
In relation to the purposes indicated in point 3, the Personal Data may also be processed by a "Manager", ie the natural person or the company, also external to the Agency, to whom specific and defined management and control tasks of the treatment may be entrusted of the data, and by one or more "Appointee / s", who will process or materially use the Data on the basis of the instructions received from the Data Controller or from the Manager (subjects who, if not expressly indicated in this statement, are to be considered not still designated, and not necessarily to be designated if the treatment is occasional, and whose data will be provided to you in case of their designation). Always in relation to the aforementioned purposes, the Data may be processed through manual, IT and / or otherwise automated tools according to logic strictly connected to the purposes of the processing and, in any case, in order to guarantee its security and confidentiality even in the case of treatment through tools of remote communication.
9) Transfer of data abroad.
The data could be transferred to countries of the European Union and to third countries (ie not belonging to the European Union) exclusively for the purposes referred to in point 3. In this case, the intention to transfer personal data must previously be communicated and authorized by you only if a level of data protection adequate to the European one is guaranteed.
10) Data communication.
The Data may be communicated, upon express request, to the Health Authority for the reconstruction of the supply chain of any "close contacts of a worker who has tested positive for COVID-19" within the limits and under the conditions laid down by current provisions. All subjects, belonging to the categories to which the Data may be communicated, will use the Data as "owners" pursuant to the law or specific consent, in full autonomy, being unrelated to the original treatment carried out at the Agency, or of "external managers". To know the subjects to whom your data will be communicated at any time, it is sufficient that you request the updated list by writing to the Data Controller at the headquarters of the Agency. Finally, your data will be known by all the employees and collaborators of the Agency designated responsible and / or in charge of the treatment, in relation to the performance of the tasks and duties assigned to each. The data processed by the Agency will not be disseminated.
11) Rights of the interested party.
Within the limits and under the conditions set out in articles 15 - 23 of the Regulation, the Agency guarantees and recognizes you the exercise of the following rights:
• the right to access personal data contained in its paper and / or electronic archives;
• the right to request their rectification, updating and cancellation if not in conflict with the law, if incomplete or incorrect, as well as to oppose their treatment for legitimate and specific reasons;
• the right to obtain the correction of inaccurate personal data without undue delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to obtain the integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional declaration;
• the right to obtain the cancellation of personal data concerning him without undue delay if one of the reasons set out in art. 17, paragraph 1 of the Regulations;
• the right to obtain the limitation of treatment when one of the hypotheses referred to in art. 18, paragraph 1 of the Regulations;
• the right to data portability within the limits and in the ways provided for by art. 20 of the Regulation.
You also have the right at any time to withdraw consent to the processing of your data without affecting in any way the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation, as well as to oppose the treatment for different purposes at any time from that indicated in point 3 (right of opposition). You have the right to receive information relating to the action taken regarding one of the aforementioned requests or the effects arising from the exercise of one of the aforementioned rights, without undue delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of receiving the request itself, extendable, if necessary, for two months; it also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and to bring a judicial appeal. Except for the case in which the processing of the Data violates the general principles dictated by the Regulation, the exercise of these rights must be relevant and motivated and cannot involve the revocation of the consent given or the request for cancellation of the Data provided by you for the purposes referred to in point 3 insofar as and as long as the Data are necessary for the performance of the work or collaboration service. The rights in question may be exercised, also through a designated person, by submitting a request to the Data Controller at the following addresses: Via Versilia 133, Cap 55042 City Forte dei Marmi, tel. 0584 89832 phone 349 55 99 157, e-mail address: info@fortedeimarmivillas.com, pec address: fortedeimarmivillas@pec.it. In exercising your rights, you may grant, in writing, a proxy or power of attorney to natural persons, bodies, associations or bodies; he may also be assisted by a trusted person. To ensure the effective exercise of your rights, the Agency will take appropriate measures to facilitate access to data, simplify methods and reduce the time required to respond to your request. Finally, it should be noted that you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority or the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data through the following means: a) registered letter with return receipt addressed to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 Rome; b) e-mail to the address: garante@gpdp.it, or protocol@pec.gpdp.it; c) fax to the number: 06 / 69677.3785. All the related information on the complaints you can propose is available on the Guarantor's website at www.garanteprivacy.it
О компании
Агентство недвижимости Forte dei Marmi Villas предлагает свой многолетний опыт желающим инвестировать в недвижимость в Форте дей Марми и Версили